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Topic : Re: Short Story Outline Issues I am writing a short story that has very little action that focuses mainly on the main character's development. I have tried outlining some of the major interactions -

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You will need two documents open at the same time, one on the left, one on the right. Let's say the manuscript in its current form is on the left.
Now, on the right, jot down some notes about the first paragraph -- what's going on in this paragraph?
Do that for each paragraph.
Now close the manuscript and put your paragraph-by-paragraph analysis on the left, with a new blank document on the right. This time, look at several lines at a time and describe what's going on in that group.
Through this successive reduction process, you will end up with an outline of what you have already written.
I think that after you have done this a few times, you will be motivated to:
next time make the outline before you begin writing the story.
It is soo much easier that way.

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