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Topic : Re: How can I figure out my main character's overall goal? I'm currently brainstorming a fantasy story, and I love the idea of my main character, but I'm having a hard time pinning down who she -

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If you don't have a goal for your character... maybe you have made them too perfect? A common theme to help provide character goals is to demonstrate character growth. Give them a couple flaws. Say that she is an elf and a really good magic user, but no one gives her a chance because she is female and she is not assertive enough to challenge people that tell her to go away. In the end, the goal of the MC is usually the punch line of your story. It's the lesson learned or will have to be learned in order to achieve the goal. There may be many side goals or side plots that helps build the main goal, but ultimately, your character is trying to strive to achieve something. World fame? Is there an evil person in your story that is trying to do harm? What does the opposition look like? What is it that they are trying to do to hinder your main character? If you don't have an antagonist, maybe developing an antagonist's character will help you realize the goal of the MC.

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