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Topic : Re: Do 'text walls' scare off readers? A comment on a recent question of mine claims Right, so that's [large unformatted text blocks scaring off some readers in certain contexts is] a myth. -

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I take this concept to the extreme .. and I think it may be due to some sort of condition ... my motivations have always been to keep things conversational and easy to read.

If I'm personally accomplishing that goal, I'm sure opinion differs greatly on that one.

I don't know if this question tricked my mind into creating "imaginary walls", and thinking a lot of the answers and even the question looking "blockish."

I think walls of text ARE DEFINITELY "a thing", and it should be mentioned that character / font / font size / line width / line spacing can also create these walls ... combined of course with the number of lines in paragraphs.

Most of my context is non-fiction, and it's a lot harder to keep people engaged when you cannot make things up haha. So these "walls" become even more apparent.

And some of my non-fiction is training and some of it marketing and sales. The medium and context also play a part how text is formatted and structured.

THE FLOW, so to speak :)

One marketing "cheat" we love to use is to survey your audience, using a free survey service like survey monkey. Not sure if that is a possibility, but hearing from your readers will get it straight for the horses' mouth.

If you go that route, bribe them with a free ebook or something to force their hands into responding, muhahaha.

Uh oh, are these paragraphs too long?!

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