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Topic : MS Word Endnote Style Formatting I hope this is the appropriate forum (and tags). I have a book written in MS Word (2007) ... with probably 250 endnotes. Every time I create an endnote, -

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I hope this is the appropriate forum (and tags).

I have a book written in MS Word (2007) ... with probably 250 endnotes. Every time I create an endnote, MS Word:

automatically uses the internal "End Note Reference" style ...
which first inserts a superscript number at the citation point in the text,
then zips me down to the endnotes area where it inserts the same superscript end note number, and then allows me to enter in the citation text in whatever style I want (I use "footnote base")

Here's my problem: The end note numbers don't quite format the way I want (in the end notes section). I want the numbers to be normal-case (not superscript) and have and then indent before the citation text.

But MS Word makes the end note number the same style (ie... if I change the style to a non-superscript, then inside the text of the book, the end note numbers won't be "super" to the text.

I wish I could describe this better.

Any suggestions?

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I don't have Word 2007 but you could try what works with 2010. Highlight the number in the end note. Right click it. Select 'Style' and then choose the style you want or modify the existing one. I chose a different style, but one that has the numbers as normal case and this didn't change the in-text reference size.

Edit: My wife, who is an academic and deals with this sort of thing often, said she just selects all the endnotes at one time and changes the font size so the numbers are are the same size as the text.

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