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Topic : Re: What do you do to prevent dips during which you're not writing anything? I'm currently a student and I write non-fiction every day. I've committed myself to writing 1000 words every day, and -

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Well, I've got my own method. It's called Planned Procrastination writing. You may or may not like it.

So, I've got A Project to write about. And I also have three writing projects that have nothing to do with Project A. So, if I get stuck and nothing's happening with Project A, I go to Project B, for however long it captures my interest, or alternatively, I give myself 5 minutes to do whatever I can.

The 5 minute timer is fun because it creates an artificial deadline! It's like GO! This the time you have!

And if things are going well for B, I reevaluate and keep writing. If I run out of steam there, I look back at Project A. If I've still got nothing, I go ahead and jump to writing Projects C and D, real quick.

I find that breaks help with creativity, as well as having another task, whatever that task might be, to fill your mind. Other writing projects, or specific things, can fill that time. Even writing exercises or spending 5 minutes on a board like this answering questions. That counts as writing, if that's your goal, you've just got to set an alarm every time you go off task, so you don't wander too far and away from the goal.

But if I can get more than one project going at a time, it's ideal for me, especially if they all have different deadlines. Deadlines are good.

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