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Topic : Re: Is it okay to have a character that has the same first or last name as another famous character But not like having the same full name but rather same last name like for example having a -

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A lot of names are relatively common and therefore should not be monopolized by a single person.

As for John Snow, the name is not only famous for Game of Thrones, but it is also the name of an important Doctor that made major contributions to the concepts of today’s hygiene.
He was the one who successfully traced the cholera outbreak in London (1854).

Is this a coincidence? Maybe, maybe not…

Wiki-link, John Snow:
I would also add a further point to consider.

If you pick a name like Paris (as in Paris Hilton) for a character that is a very serious, hard working lab assistant…. Prior knowledge of the reader might interfere with the picture you’re trying to create about the character.

Hence, one should consider how well known the name is and what that could mean for your readers.

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