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Topic : Re: Is it okay to have a character that has the same first or last name as another famous character But not like having the same full name but rather same last name like for example having a -

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The problem you're describing actually has an associated TV Trope: the One Mario Limit (obligatory warning, now that I've added a link). Some names become so strongly associated with one character/person, that any other characters/people with the same name will inevitably be compared with them. Mario is a well-known example: the only other famous Mario I can think of right now is Mario Balotelli, who is in fact nicknamed "Super Mario".

I only believe this trope is a problem if:

There really is only one well-known character/person with that name. Plenty of people are named 'Snow'. I actually have a character myself named 'Snow'. Nobody outside of Game of Thrones (that I know of) is named 'Lannister'.
The person that name is associated with is not a person you want your character to be associated with (@HvG made a similar point in their answer). You'll notice that nobody these days is named "Adolf", for example.
Your character isn't distinct enough. If your character 'Logan Evans' is a friendly, outgoing guy who solves his problems with his sharp wits, nobody will notice he shares his name with Wolverine. If he's a loner who solves his problems with his fists, everyone will notice.

Other than that, I would say this isn't worth worrying about, because there are so many famous people and famous works out there that it's almost impossible to come up with a name that hasn't been used by one of them (unless you're writing a fantasy work like GoT and can just make one up). When naming the protagonist of one of my stories, I plucked the name "Samantha Smith" out of thin air - when I found out that was the name of an actual famous person, rather than change it, I simply had another character make a remark about it.

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