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Topic : Re: How do I break away from imitating published works? I don't know if other people wanting to be writers experience this, but I get driven by my obsession. It used to be Hunger Games, then -

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I'm not really feeling the question. I could never write like that. I'm a fan of write your own story with your own characters. However, if this is the only way you can work try a little mix and match.

e.g. Let's say you are a fan of the original screen "Superman" but you are also a fan of "Star Trek".

So write your S/F story with Lois Lane replacing Lt Uhuru. Margot Kidder (the original screen Lois Lane) was fairly volatile, and was somewhat aggressive. The romantic undertones between Captain Kirk and Lt Uhuru are well documented but what would happen if William Shatner's character hit on Margot Kidder's character - It is likely she'll slap him and threaten to file a sexual harassment lawsuit the moment they return to Earth.

The character will prevent you from duplicating the story. Where as Uhuru will say "Ai, captain." Lois will respond "Whatever." Your story will have to cycle through themes like 'maybe she doth protest too much' and somehow put them in a position whereas they're forced to resolve their differences.

All around you'll see well-known characters placed in alternative environments.

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