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Topic : Re: How do I turn a "screensaver" into an actual story? I am capable of dreaming up interesting settings and even placing things in a world, but I have trouble dreaming up characters and plot. -

10% popularity

We write best what we love most. For me, I love people and pay a lot of attention to them, but not a lot of attention to places and things, so my characters are strong, but my settings and descriptions are weak.

Since you have the opposite problem, I'd suggest spending some concentrated time observing people closely, talking to them, listening to their stories, and trying to understand them at a deep level --both strangers and friends. After doing that for a while, your characters should start to become deeper and richer.

As far as plots, reading a lot of myths and folk and fairy tales from all around the world is a good way to get a feel for plot at the most basic, essential level.

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