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Topic : Think about how often the topic of sex comes up in real life. Aspects of it are kept private, between individuals. Other aspects are flaunted on TV, film and advertising. Certain people don't -

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Think about how often the topic of sex comes up in real life. Aspects of it are kept private, between individuals. Other aspects are flaunted on TV, film and advertising. Certain people don't like to talk about sex at all and consider it inappropriate for respectable conversation. Other people make everything about sex and never miss an opportunity for innuendo. Some small amount of people walk around outside in their leather and leashes. But not many.

Now think about how your fictional society is different to ours. Are people more open, or is sex more of a taboo? Are there brothels on every corner, offering experiences enhanced by magic at extortionate prices, or is it more of a private, underground culture? Are most people interested in magic-related sex, or is it deviant/fetishistic behaviour? Think about your characters. Are they successful in their sexual endeavours? Do they brag, keep it to themselves, or overcompensate for their shortcomings with overt flirtatiousness? Is there a power imbalance between the sexes? Are the women feared and revered by the men? Are the men hypersexualised and oppressed by the women? This could have huge impacts on the way society functions, or very little. It's really up to you.

If it isn't essential to the plot I would avoid getting explicit about it or it would come across as porn for the sake of porn. Hints of it here and there would be enough to give readers the idea. Think about when the topic would naturally arise within your story, and explore it in those places. But, as with all things: if it's not relevant, it should be left out.

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