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Topic : How explicit should a YA novel be? For a romance YA novel, how explicit can it be? Are there certain descriptions or words that shouldn't be used? -

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For a romance YA novel, how explicit can it be? Are there certain descriptions or words that shouldn't be used?

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There is no hard set rule, and the boundaries are constantly expanding. Tender Morsels deals with incest, molestation, gang rape, abortions, and many other extremely adult issues. But it does so with implications and metaphors more often than gritty details (don't get me wrong, the book is amazing).

So many of the issues could be glossed over by a reader who does not have a seed of awareness towards them. But one who is "ready" to meet or beginning to grasp the issue will be able read between the lines.

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There's a good thread on this over at Absolute Write -
The general consensus there seems to be that there is definitely a limit on how explicit YA sex should be. They suggest going for the more 'poetic' approach rather than an explicit or erotic one, and I think that makes sense.

ETA:I didn't see any sign of a list of 'banned' words, or anything, and I wouldn't think there would be. Context is probably going to make a lot of difference in something like this. As long as you're writing to serve the story rather than to titillate, I think you'll be fine. If editors don't like something specific, they can let you know. (apparently one writer's editor insisted that in YA sex, there must ALWAYS be mention of a condom.)

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