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Topic : Re: What should I do if I know the antagonist but too many options for protagonist? I have decided on my antagonist for my first novel. They are pretty much being brought back to power by traitors -

10% popularity

You can also come from the angle that you don't need a clear cut MC from page 1. There are many stories out there where a group of people start out together and it isn't until a conflict point happens that the MC rises up above everyone to become their leader or to save everyone or what ever it is you want the MC to do. There are also stories where the person you think is the MC ends up dying within the first couple chapters and a new MC or the real MC is then displayed if they are not already in the story. Don't be afraid to write the story with options! So many people think that they need to write with everything set in stone. Just write! Have a group of 5 people 10 people be your potential MC. Write the story and see how it evolves. Some times, you might find that the character you had in mind to be MC turns out to be the least likely candidate after you start seeing how it unfolds.

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