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Topic : Re: System for Coming up With a Good Title I have come up with a way to make it easier for myself and others to come up with titles. I am in need of advice to tell me whether or not if -

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Something like that would be better as a subtitle but it just gives away too much within the title. Look at the show Lost for example. It wasn't called Lost in the Jungle of an Island. It was just called Lost. It makes people curious... who was lost, what was lost? Brings them in to reading the story. Titles are the initial gotcha of a book. If it doesn't create intrigue or wonder, it is less likely to be read.

A title and system like yours doesn't make me want to read it simply because you added in the jungles of Venus. It allows me to assume too much about the book. Okay, some guy get's lost on the planet of Venus. Why do I want to read more about someone/something/a group of species being lost on a planet? Not much draws me in to that and then you would need to then rely on a good back page/summary in hopes I am curious enough to give that a chance. Effectively you are taking away from, what could be, one of the best books I have read simply because the title is boring or bland.

Book titles need almost as much effort as writing the whole book itself. Bad titles can imply a reflection on how the writing of the story will go. If it sounds cheesy or boring, then the book may be assumed cheesy or boring too.

Thomas' answer definitely provides the best thought process on creating a title.

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