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Topic : Re: Can I be a writer, with a mental illness? I want to be a writer, but I have struggled with Schizoaffective Disorder for quite some time. Some of the symptoms of the disorder are amotivation -

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Congratulations on setting the writing goal of wanting to complete a novel. Janet Frame from New Zealand was a writer of high repute with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, she may be an inspiration and motivation to you. Her biopic is called "An Angel At My Table." I am writing my first novel and have found great guidance in: The Marshall Plan by Evan Marshall, or another novel-writing reference work as a support for planning and organizing your novel before you start. This step-by-step process prevents overwhelm and creates an organized framework with which to proceed. Overwhelm can be a huge motivation killer. Also, I find it helpful to belong to a writer's group, and knowing they are waiting for the next instalment is good motivation for me to deliver the goods! Best writing wishes from the trenches. I'm currently in the second draft of my first novel, and have a mental health diagnosis which affects motivation as well. I've just accepted that motivation may not always be consistent, and I take one project, one step, at a time. And if I'm not motivated to write, I can research, or step back and survey what I've done and take notes, or think about it. Do what you can and you will find your fondness for it, and desire to spend time with it, grows!

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