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Topic : Re: What is the best way to generate ideas? I want to write a novel, but I want to write that novel using my best idea currently... it's just that, I don't have an idea, at least not one that -

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Very short answer because it can be approached in a fundamental way: make sh#t up, constantly, endlessly. Learn as much as you can about as many subjects as you can, and look for new angles. Find connections. (If you do this enough, you may find a connection that has been previously overlooked.) Analyze compulsively and generate insights. "Insight generation" has become corporate jargon, but it really is a method of finding ideas through analysis. Most importantly, be prepared to discard many more ideas than you pursue. There's a vast gulf between casually creative people who may have one idea, and get stuck on it, because it's one of the few ideas they've had, and compulsively creative people who have insights constantly about everything. Practice this craft rigorously, and your problem won't be too few ideas, but too many!

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