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Topic : Re: Is there a method to estimating the length of a work before writing it? I am writing my first novel, which I think likely will end up being several volumes. Although I have a lot of experience -

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Not only is it impossible to predict how long a novel is going to be before writing it, it is also impossible to know its length even after the first draft is written.

After adding everything you thought was needed during the initial writing phase, you now get to edit out everything that turned out to be distracting or unnecessary to the telling of the tale. This can drastically shorten, yet infinitely improve the final work; transforming it from a slightly-bloated collection of almost-right words, into a svelte and economically written arrangement of the right words.

Stop worrying about how much work will go into writing your story or how long the finished product will be. If you write it right, it will be exactly as long as it has to be, to tell the tale you want to tell.

Keep Writing!

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