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Topic : How to write liminal characters? Liminal characters are basically stuck between two natures, and I have zero ideas on how to write them. Do you know any tips, ideas or general guidelines that -

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Liminal characters are basically stuck between two natures, and I have zero ideas on how to write them. Do you know any tips, ideas or general guidelines that can help me?

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As somewhat of a liminal being myself, I would say the defining conflict for one is to be attached to both worlds, and unable to live fully in one or the other. A typical narrative would be that it tries to commit fully to one side, and then is stopped by something --rejection by that side, friends or relatives on the other side, some intrinsic personality trait from the other side, a sense of guilt, etc. Then it reverses and tries to live on the other side, only to have a new and different set of things pull it back the other direction.

This is an especially rich situation if the two sides are in irresolvable conflict in some way or another. Your liminal character can be a way to explore each side in depth --strengths and weaknesses --and to keep your world from becoming too starkly black-and-white in terms of audience sympathies.

Liminal beings are often depicted as having special powers, that they may not be entirely in control of, as well as an intrinsic ability to shapeshift. This may not be entirely a matter of myth.

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