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Topic : Re: Can my character specialize in torture ; but physically be not that strong? My question is, is this even realistic? She's a woman in her early twenties who specializes in torture, only working -

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Torturers don't need to be fit or strong, they need to be possibly scary, knowledgeable, and competent at what they do. There are a lot of kinds of torture and "beating someone senseless" is just one of them, maybe the simplest.

You don't need to be strong to break a finger of someone - you just have to bend it in the wrong direction or use an hammer. After all there are a wide variety of tools that can allow you to inflict pain, or terror, with little effort (pincers, nails, fire ...).

Torture is mostly dealing a controlled amount of pain, be it physical or psychological. The psychological part is maybe more important, if your character does this not out of pure sadism but to get some kind of information. The sooner she can get a mental breakdown from their subjects, the sooner she can question them.

As reference, there are forms of torture that doesn't deal with strenght at all: Chinese water torture, sleep deprivation.

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