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Topic : Re: Can my character specialize in torture ; but physically be not that strong? My question is, is this even realistic? She's a woman in her early twenties who specializes in torture, only working -

10% popularity

I don't see that this is a conflict.

A torturer is almost never in a position where the person they are torturing has the option of fighting back in anyway. The fact that the victim is physically (or possibly mentally) constrained is pretty much a pre-requisite of it being torture, and not just a fight.

In fact you could certainly develop it to become part of this character's personality. Presumably you know why she is physically weak - does she have an illness? Is it something she was born with? It shouldn't just be that she's averagely weak - interesting characters deal with extremes.

So perhaps she's had to deal with this frustrating physical disadvantage her whole life and that's what has led her to become a torturer - to give her the feeling of physical superiority that she usually lacks.

As an aside, other questions I'm curious about are whether she does this for fun / money / the government or what. I assume you know the answer to this already, but if not that's the next thing I'd pin down.

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