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Topic : Re: Can my character specialize in torture ; but physically be not that strong? My question is, is this even realistic? She's a woman in her early twenties who specializes in torture, only working -

10% popularity

One thing you may want to consider it that unless she is a "lone wolf" type of person she may have an assistant, a big dumb brute she keeps around to do things like hold down her victims while she ties them up, or carry them to different machines or back and forth from wherever they are being held to her work station.

If you assume she is a state sponsored torturer it wouldn't be hard to believe that she conscripts guards from her facility or soldiers in the field to do any real heavy lifting and restraining until the victim is tied down. If she is a criminal she may have an assistant or apprentice who just enjoys being involved in the torturing process and hopes one day to be as good as your character.

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