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Topic : Re: Is it okay to have my family edit my book? Okay, I don't really have any friends who write. (or in general) And I wanted to know if it was too biased for my family to edit my writing. -

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I don't know about your family (the one that raised you), but mine would be the last place I would take anything! Not all families are supportive to say the least.

Even with a supportive family, how freely can you write with your mother/father/... "looking" over your shoulder?

If you write about someone taking drugs and appear to know what you're talking about (as you must if you want it to be good), are you going to be subjected to the third degree later as to how you knew? The same is true with any subject that they might not consider as appropriate for you to personally engage in.

If you want to explore anything "unrealistic" or outside the norms of conventional society, there's great richness well off the beaten path. But it's hard enough to get readers to accept such things, let alone family members who may view it as an indication of your mental health or lack thereof!

I'm almost ROTFL thinking about how it would have gone if William S. Burroughs had given his mother a draft of Naked Lunch to read!

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