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Topic : Re: First Person vs. Third Person: Advantages and Disadvantages? My name is Alex and I'm writing a fantasy novel. I don't know if I should use first or third person narration. First person writing -

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A writing instructor once told me that first person should only be used if one of the following cases is true:

The narrator is not the main character. So we witness the main character's story through the eyes of a third party. As in The Great Gatsby and A Prayer for Owen Meany.
The narrator's voice is distinctive. See Catcher in the Rye, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

I'm not fully committed to that rule, but I see his point. (And I can't think of a good example of the exception to it right now.) Without one of those situations, my first-person narrator is telling their own story in an ordinary way. As a writer, I'd easily let the character become self-indulgent, not somebody you'd want to hear speak for more than a few pages.

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