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Topic : Re: What are techniques to explore a world you've built? Beside omniscient narrative that explains the world, what are other techniques to introduce the details of a world to the readers? (That is -

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I have been trying to think of this myself as I have a few scenes that will be "foreign" to other groups within the book as well as the reader. What I have come up with to do to help explain some cultural aspects of my world is have one of those other groups within the book ask about it. Then it will be explained through dialog the meaning and context.

Of course some things will come out through narration, but I try to avoid doing this heavily as no one wants to read 3 pages of prose either.

Another thing you can do is, instead of having an outsider... have a younger child ask an adult.. "mommy, why do the adults do that funny dance?" this allows you to educate an in-story character and the reader as well.

You can also leave clues through context...

"We just performed the jakeno chant. Hopefully now we will see some
rain come. Our crops really need it" he reported to the tribe

This let's the reader know through context, what that was about without having to sit there and give a history lesson or explain anything in detail about what the jakeno chant says or means. You know it's some form of rain prayer.

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