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Topic : Usefulness of writing conferences and realistic expectations of obtaining an agent I completed my first fiction novel a short while ago (heist/romance). I've been trying to get a literary agent -

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I completed my first fiction novel a short while ago (heist/romance). I've been trying to get a literary agent by viewing their websites and following their submission requirements. However, it hasn't been working. I was thinking of attending a few writing conferences where you can meet with literary agents/publishers and pitch your book, but they span a few days and are expensive, not to mention the cost of room and board.

Are these conferences worth it in finding an agent/publisher?

Or are they just a bunch of time/money-wasting events in which the agent/publisher gives some feedback and directs you to their website to follow their submission guidelines (which is almost always email nowadays), or something of that nature?

What's a reasonable estimate for the number of agents I should submit my manuscript to for a positive response? (assume my book is good, not great, and has been through all the editing phases)

Basically, I'm trying to find an effective and efficient way to pitch my book to a commercial publisher. Any tips welcome.

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