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Topic : Re: What's gained from NaNoWriMo? Generally, I understand NaNoWriMo to have the goal of writing a complete novel (at least a first draft) during the month of November. To reach "novel" word count, -

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I suppose the question of "what's gained" for participating in NaNoWriMo is quite subjective, but I always felt it was good particularly for 3 reasons:

Being in November, which has 30 days, it allows anyone participating to have a short-term goal that is easily digestible. Writing 50,000 words sounds daunting, but writing 1667 doesn't seem so bad. It just encourages you to do that each day for a finite period of time.
You become part of a community that consists of people all trying to achieve the same goal, and going through the same ordeal as you are. Writing is a lonely business, which usually cannot be shared with anyone until it's completed. Taking part in NaNoWriMo can give you more of a morale boost knowing that you're not totally alone, as you can actively participate in something alongside others doing the same thing, even if you've never met them.
A lot of writers say that the most difficult part of writing is just writing, finding time to get words onto a page and continuing with it until it's done. NaNoWriMo forces you to find the time to complete this task every day, and even missing a single day sets you back immensely. However, pursuing this habit for 30 days straight helps to develop it into a habit that can continue after November is over. This is particularly useful as the novel will still need to be edited, but if you found the time before, you know you will still have it.

If you're personally struggling to find the time to commit to NaNoWriMo, some of these suggestions might be helpful (they were for me).

And at the end of the day the only reward that you get by "winning" is that you've achieved a personal goal, and more of your book is written at the end of November than it was at the start. Nothing more is gained by participating, and there are no penalties for losing.

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