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Topic : Re: Tool to detect adverbs Are there any simple efficient tools or programs that will help me in editing by detecting and/or marking adverbs? This is mostly to get rid of word bloat. -

10% popularity

Another great option is Pro Writing Aid. It has a free version and a paid Pro version. Even the free version has been helpful for me.

It does a lot more than detect adverbs. It runs through your whole story and analyzes like everything. It tells you all sorts of things that are weak with your writing.

It gives you a report on your writing style, on your grammar, overused words, clichés and redundancies, sticky sentences, sentence length, pronoun use, pacing, etc.

It really does a lot.

Plus it integrates into most tools you already use like Word, Scrivener, Open Office, Google Docs, etc.

And it doesn't just tell you what is wrong. There are really detailed explanations about how to improve.

Highly Recommend

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