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Topic : Where is a good place to locate / source good script & story writers? I am working for a company that wishes to source writers for their current production of an upcoming funny cartoon series -

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I am working for a company that wishes to source writers for their current production of an upcoming funny cartoon series called Firsty.

The directors are currently looking for writers & stories for future episodes.
And are taking submissions online.

Not sure if this is the place to ask, but where is a good place to locate / source good script & story writers to who are interested in writing for an animated series?

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The Writer's Guild of America is a possibility because professional screenwriters and their agents are members. They're very conscientious about fair contracts.

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A ghostwriter on may be what your looking for. It's at least a place to start your search.

Another avenue to explore would be to put up a webpage for submission on the company's website and call for script writers to submit directly. I would refrain from asking for ideas or stories directly (as mentioned in the comments, it can come off as a little fishy) and look more at sample pieces submitted to put together a team of screenplay writers that will convey the voice and tone of what your company is looking to produce.

Hope this helps.

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