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Topic : Re: Is it a bad habit to cause too many deep permanent changes in the status quo of a story that envisions sequels? I have a story I'm writing which envisions some sequels. However, although the -

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Series can jump timelines as much as you want as long as they stay within the world. The Shannara series rarely even kept the same characters from book to book but still held the same world and issues (like each generation/ new set of characters had to face a new evil that stemmed from a previous relic or something).

However, I would say that if you go from fantasy to horror, I may not be inclined to read if the genre changes. I personally hate horrors, and I wouldn't want to get half way through a series just to find out it went from a fantasy to a horror. I would feel annoyed that I invested myself in a world that kept changing up genres to the point I didn't want to finish how the series ended. Adding more or less suspense is one thing, but to switch it to a horror would really throw off readers.

Maybe this idea stems from the anime Sword Art Online where they kept the same overall theme/world and same characters, but had the video game genre change up each time. This was plausible because we knew that the video game that he was playing was changing. However, in your story, it would be hard to write this change.

Maybe the fantasy is futuristic fantasy where there is already spaceships present so that when you get to the scifi, you have some bleed over from the previous book to then set up them going into space or something. Then from there you can have some bleed over into the 3rd book where they meet a hostile alien race and turn it into some AVP/Starship troopers.

Bottom line is that the flow has to make sense. Having it change genres in a way that is seems abrupt would really throw off readers and you would lose readers fast.

I would stick to one genre. If you really want to write the other genres, create it in the same world but with different characters, but here again, you need to explain some how why a space exploring ship or like technology randomly shows up in the land of magic/elves.

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