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Topic : Re: How can I get into the mindset to write? Depending on the weather, the days events, and other factors, I find myself with a different emotion everyday when I write which I'm afraid is making -

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As a person who struggles with depression, I have the same problem you do. My mood greatly impacts my ability to write, and what comes out when I do.

I can say emphatically when I feel darkest, nothing helps. I just have to be okay with not writing that day, or until my mood or emotional state changes. But there are other times when I can still act like a professional writer (I'm not), "cowboy up," and do the job (it's not my job) of writing.

To get to that point. one thing that helps me is to read over what I wrote the previous day. Or, go back to the beginning of the chapter or scene or whatever logical unit in the book you have to retreat to. Go backward in the manuscript. Read forward, putting the story back into your head.

Let your imagination crawl back into the world you've created, the characters, and let THEIR moods and action dictate the story. It may not always work, but for me, it helps a lot to get out of my own headspace and into the characters' headspace(s). Being there, watching it in my mind's eye as a movie, I can transcribe without allowing my mood, my emotion of the moment, impact what I'm writing.

And +1 to those answers about using mood-adjusting tools like music, or writing a scene from the manuscript suitable to your mood, if you can't step around it.

Consider lighting in your writing space, too. Or you can, as A N M provided, journaling to clear your head of the things affecting you might be of great benefit. Get the things holding you back out of your mind, onto paper, and be rid of them.

I hope this offers a bit of help. I know it's a tough row to hoe, but I have learned emotions make great servants, but lousy masters.

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