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Topic : I tend to agree with this lady: Lisa Cron. She says this about your question: There are no stories that are plot-driven. Every story is character-driven. Some stories are more plot-heavy -

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I tend to agree with this lady: Lisa Cron. She says this about your question:

There are no stories that are plot-driven. Every story is
character-driven. Some stories are more plot-heavy and more things
happen…but by definition, the plot is just a bunch of things that

You can read her full article by clicking her name. To me, at least, stories feature a character that is seeking something, which becomes the plot of the story. Other events may be creating the plot, but in the end, if the character doesn't go with the flow of the story, there's no story.

But as I said, this is just what I think. A 100 men won't give you the same answer, so try to find what suits you best.

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