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Topic : Well, you are going to have to start asking yourself questions and provide answers. Why do men exist? In your premise there is absolutely zero role for a male, and if God created women in -

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Well, you are going to have to start asking yourself questions and provide answers.

Why do men exist? In your premise there is absolutely zero role for a male, and if God created women in her own image, why do women need men to conceive a child?

In Christianity, God takes a rib from Adam to give him a mate and helper. Why did your God deny women the ability to just have another daughter? Or did she take that away from them for some reason? Why did your God create man?

How did that happen? Did the first woman just give birth to both genders, and they grew up to mate with their siblings?

A religion similar to Christianity needs female heroes throughout. Cain kills his brother Abel, Does Christine kill her sister Abby? Noah hears God and builds an Ark, does Nora hear God and build an Ark?

But once again: Why does God make ALL animals in both male and female form, why do we need TWO of everything?

You will need a female savior: Christine, I guess. Is she going to recruit her apostles to be fishers of women? Is the Queen going to have her nailed to the cross?

Will the Biblical society be changed so that women are in charge and men the property of women, bought and sold as slaves, performing sexual acts on demand?

How do you deal with Harems of many wives? In biblical times patriarchs could have hundreds of children they then controlled, but no queen can have more than about a dozen children in her lifetime.

These are questions you have to ask, and flesh out your Christinean religion with some details, that will lead into your current society, almost undoubtedly matriarchal.

And then, how does it clash with existing patriarchal societies, like China?

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