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 topic : Is nudity allowed in historical nonfiction? I have written a historical nonfiction account of a nudist camp that I went to with my family as a teenager. The camp later hosted the Miss Nude

Samaraweera193 @Samaraweera193

Posted in: #Artwork #Historical #Legal #NonFiction

I have written a historical nonfiction account of a nudist camp that I went to with my family as a teenager. The camp later hosted the Miss Nude America contest and became extremely well known.

My story has many images which feature nudity. Is this allowed?

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Cugini967 @Cugini967

Do you have photo permissions from every person in every picture? If you don't, your question is irrelevant. You can't just publish pictures of other people without their permission. Nude pictures are particularly sensitive.

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Vandalay250 @Vandalay250

So long as you label the book correctly, and sell it in the proper categories (i.e. don't label it or market in a way that pitches it to children), and it doesn't includes sexual images of children below legal age, there shouldn't be any problem with non-sexual images of nudity.

Any images of nude children are likely to arouse some negative sentiment from certain people (even the once-iconic "baby in the bath" photos are now often demonized), so you may want to get an opinion from a lawyer before publishing, to ensure you're clear of (legally defined) child pornography. You may also want to choose carefully the market you offer to -- for similar reasons.

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