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Topic : Re: Are there any free sites for testing beta 'book cover' designs? The LONG road to publishing a novel is nearing an end. But writing a novel is actually only the beginning; editing, formatting, -

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I'd say others do have a point about not doing everything yourself, more often than not it does comes off as having a lower quality. In terms of hiring professionals (there's no need for single quotes, if you have to use them, the person in question isn't a professional) it's more a matter of knowing where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and how YOU value YOUR time. You may find there are better cost-benefits and ROI (Return On Investment) with a cover designed by someone in the design industry, rather than if you made the cover yourself to save a bit of money (I would recommend checking out the Book Cover Design area on Reedsy)

All that being said, I have a bit of a background in graphic/web design so I tend do as much of my own cover design as I can get away with (And I would still outsource some of my covers depending on the theme and look I'm going for).

Recently I discovered the site where you can get feedback on your covers. You can also source you're beta readers as others have mentioned, join cover design Facebook groups and if you have a website (which you should), push traffic toward that for feedback as well.

Hope this helps.

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