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Topic : Re: How much dialogue in a first date scene? Something I always get stuck with is how to describe a first date. E.g. I have a story where 2 characters are on a blind date, so they have to -

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Remember that (a) what would make for a pleasant first date, (b) what people really say and do on a typical first date, and (c) what makes an interesting story, are entirely different things.

In real life, on a typical day I make myself breakfast and go to work. I have never, ever been attacked by ninja assassins before work. But which story would you rather read, a detailed account of someone making scrambled eggs and searching for matching socks? Or a story about a spy being attacked by ninja assassins?

On real first dates, I've chatted about the weather and our jobs and what kind of food we each like to eat. Most of my typical date conversation would make a very boring story. I tell some hopefully funny stories that might possibly be interesting in a novel, but that's a small fraction of real people date conversation. I recall a recent date that consisted largely of a discussion of travel plans and flight schedules and how the airline had changed the schedule and so on. Important to us as real people, but surely would be super boring in a story.

What you want to cut to is: What information should these two people exchange that will advance the plot or help to develop the characters? If it's important to the story that Bob is a Republican and Sally is a Democrat, then have them discuss politics. If this has nothing to do with the story, then skip it. Etc.

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