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Topic : That is the problem. You seem to tend to a real world ethic that men shouldn't hit woman. But the problem is: You write about a whole new world or a world with it's own microcosmos, -

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That is the problem. You seem to tend to a real world ethic that men shouldn't hit woman.

But the problem is: You write about a whole new world or a world with it's own microcosmos, rules and ethics.

In the medival ages it was common to hit a woman, cause there she was seen as "birthmachine" and property of the men.

The problem of the most writers are, that they stick to their knowledge of the normal world, they live in. But that is the worst thing to do. Your story takes place in a different world. Even if you place your hero in a similar world to ours, the circumstances of his character development has made him to what he is. Is he driven by instinct? Is he driven by an abusive family? Is the setting of the world so, that beating woman is normal?

You are the creator of your world and there is nothing wrong with hitting a woman in your story, if the setting allows it. Even if your hero is a feminist, it would be accepted if he hits back in a state of survival instinct. Hell, even rape is considred acceptable in a story where war takes place. I read almost 4 books where a war was described and the winning fraction raided the city and raped the surviving woman. The hero didn't liked it and killed the soldiers who did that ... but that was his decision

What I wanted to say in short: Try to get a hold of your world. Think about it's rules and ethics. Think about the occuring situations and common reactions. Authors and writers have to seperate their own pictures of morale and have to think about their world. Then you find your answer. And in consideration of the characters and their development you find out, if your "hero" is able to hit a woman.

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