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Topic : Re: Does this feel like natural English? Although I'm pretty confident in my English, I'm not a native English speaker. I need to write a short introduction for a symposium; I'd like to know if -

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It sounds natural, it is good grammar. It is fine the way it is....but...(you knew that was coming) I am a big fan of "short and to the point", with that preface here is how I would rework it. Feel free to take all, none or any bit of my opinion.

Depending on your meaning the sentence fragment:

...modern information technologies

might be better phrased:

modern information technology can

Information Technology is a singular
field of study or occupation.
Information technologies are an ever
changing collection of knowledge,
opinions and paradigms.

it continues:

spread environmental awareness and
teach the general public about the
importance of conservationism

spread environmental awareness
teach the general public about the importance of conservationism

What is the difference? (what do you mean it to be?)

maybe (IMHO) spread awareness to general public of the importance of conservationism. would be more concise? (also, break on the period...start a new sentence.)

,as well as

This is good sign that you have a run on. After the period try

This technology (or these technologies) are but one of the many ways environmentalists gain a better understanding of the natural world.
(note: when you say "as well as present one of the many ways new technologies" "one" does not agree with the plural "technologies".)

The following paper showcases the ways
through which modern information
technology spreads awareness to the
general public of the importance of
conservationism. This technology is
but one of the many ways
environmentalists gain a better
understanding of the natural world.

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