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Topic : Is it a good idea to have a manifesto for my series, and where should it go I want to create a series for my books. The books are unrelated, and can be read in any order. This would be -

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I want to create a series for my books. The books are unrelated, and can be read in any order. This would be something like Goosebumps by R.L. Stine. Like a Twilight Zone framing.

In my first, and maybe every book I want to explain what the series is, and what unites the works. Is it a good idea to include a page in the book explaining this? Would this page best go before or after the main work?

I realize this is usually a problem for the editor, but at this time I am looking at self-publishing

A large part of this question comes to the "first paragraph test" a reader may do picking up a book. Would readers tend to skip this kind of section and dedications, and go straight to chapter one when looking at a book in a store?

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