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Topic : Is it okay to use "fell" in one sentence, and "fall" in the next sentence? I am an adoptee writing a story about meeting my biological mother. I had to get on a plane to meet my mother. -

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I am an adoptee writing a story about meeting my biological mother.

I had to get on a plane to meet my mother. A couple of days before the trip I met with members of my adoptive family and other special people in my life to say goodbye before I made this momentous journey. The goodbyes I had with everyone before the trip were fairly similar, people kept placing their hands on my shoulders and looking at me as if they wanted to preserve that image of me, the person I was, the person they had known before I embarked on this life altering journey. I went out to dinner with one of my "extra moms" on my twenty-fifth birthday, the night before I left. We walked back to her apartment building in NYC, as we were saying goodbye,she placed her hands on my shoulders and looked at me for a long while. For me, it was as if time stood still in that moment.

What I wrote at the end of this section was, "The world fell quiet. A soft snow began to fall." I always liked that part until recently I realized I use a form of the word "fall" in successive sentences.

Then I changed it to, "Time stood still. A soft snow began to fall." I prefer "the world fell quiet," as opposed to "time stood still."

Is it okay to use "fell" and "fall" in successive sentences?

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