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Topic : Re: What Types of Jobs can a Writer find? as you all realize the term 'Writer' is very broad and general. So my quick question is: I'm trying to help my young aspiring writer friend find a job -

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My short answer - your friend can find any sort of job s/he is interested in and qualified for.

Your friend can work at a coffee shop or a law firm, be a ditch digger or a surgeon, and still be a writer. S/he might not write for a living, and at first that seems unfortunate, but the further I go with my own writing, the more convinced I am that writing works best for me as an avocation; I suspect this may be true for others, as well.

There are millions of people out there who want to write, and a significant number of those people are talented and intelligent enough to do it very well. Most of the employers with jobs in which writing is a major component are fully aware of this glut of talent -- so they don't pay a lot, and the jobs are not easy to get. There's freelancing, which works for some people, but it sounds like your friend is looking for something more stable?

If your friend is at the stage where s/he is defining their skill set as generally as 'writer', I'm guessing it's not a very developed/educated set of skills, and that means that there are a lot of people further up the queue toward the few jobs there are.

So, yeah, this may sound a bit bleak, but as I said, I'm coming to believe that for all but a very few, writing is better as a hobby. I spend my day at work in a job I enjoy but don't love, and I come home BURNING to write. I use the emotions and experiences that I had through my day in the world, and that I've gathered from a lifetime of working a variety of non-writing jobs, and I pour all of that into my stories and characters.

I'm sure others can give you more specific recommendations, but these are my thoughts based on what I read in your question.

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