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Topic : Re: Details: How do you describe a character's clothing in a story? I'm writing a story and I need to describe the character's appearance. My character is wearing a football jersey and running on -

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There are many ways to approach this, but here are a few thoughts I had reading your question:

Definitely use "football jersey" rather than "football shirt"
Describe not just what the clothing is but how it is - does it fit tightly, or is it loose? Are the colors bright or faded? Does it appear worn-out or dirty, or freshly washed?
Pay attention to how the character is running, and describe it in a way that says something about the eyes through which you're seeing him run. Does he sprint, charge, jog, or pant, etc?
try to avoid using adverbs a lot (like "boldly" - if you have others in surrounding context, this one could probably go).

Hope this is helpful!

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