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Topic : Re: Would it be cheating to change the main character's "name" partway through the story? I'm writing a story written in third-person limited, and the main character has no real name. They simply -

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Another option is to have a dialog affirmation. Use an antagonist or villain of some sort who would use the old name after the new name was given, only to be corrected by the hero, and then as the narrator, refer to the new name. This would allow for the character and the narrator to be in sync that this new name will be used. From there, the narrator will never refer to the hero by the old name, excepting from dialog from people who would not know the new name (And Flashbacks... maybe... depends on how the hero sees himself.

"Ah, [Old Name]," The villain said, assuming a fighting stance "We meet again."
Insert suitably dramatic actions
"I am [New Name]," [New Name] said, as he delivers the final blow to the villain.

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