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Topic : Every writer has their own way. In a very general sense you either write as a discovery or write with a plan. It seems like you have a good idea. Write it. Since you haven't discovered -

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Every writer has their own way. In a very general sense you either write as a discovery or write with a plan. It seems like you have a good idea. Write it. Since you haven't discovered your next step as you wrote the idea, you're now stuck.

If you still want to try and discover your story but you're stuck at the end of Chapter 1 with no idea where to go next or later, try reading it again.

Put yourself in the mind of your reader and ask yourself:

What do I want to happen next?
What do I want to happen in the end?
What do I expect to happen next?
Why would I continue reading this?
Why was this written?

Since discovery has stopped working you may want to try planning.

Take Hunger Games, since you made that an example: The characters are heading off in a dystopian country to be killed and you know why. As a reader, you want the goodguys to survive and badguys to lose. How to make that happen? The characters need allies, they need rules to help them win, rules to hurt them. Write a list of possible problems they may encounter and think how they can fix those problems.

Take a logical approach to it and work backwards.

If you come up with an exciting idea on that list that sparks your imagination, write it and see if it fits with what you have. If nothing on the list seems exciting, keep brainstorming, or even ask yourself questions about before Chapter 1. Maybe Chapter 1 is actually Chapter 4.

Don't be afraid to write out-of-order. You may not know Chapter 2's contents, but you may know Chapter 6 or 7. You can always go back and connect the dots. In writing Chapter 6 you may discover your Chapter 2.

I personally keep a document of "excerpts" for anything I write. Anything that comes to mind goes in, and then you stitch them into your story wherever suits best. So you're writing everywhere in your story at once, not only start-to-finish.

You may have put too much into Chapter 1. All of your characters have met, secrets have been revealed, desires fulfilled, reasons explained. In this case, you may want to push some things forwards, as they may fit better later.

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