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Topic : Sounds to me like a bad case of writers block. Hateful stuff. Usually when I'm in a situation like this - I have characters, worldbuilding, and a vague idea of what I want the reader to -

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Sounds to me like a bad case of writers block. Hateful stuff. Usually when I'm in a situation like this - I have characters, worldbuilding, and a vague idea of what I want the reader to feel when the read it - I do one of two things:

1 - Find out what my character loves most, and take it from them. What do they do? Wallow in self pity? Curl up in a permanent ball of 'Woe is me?' Or do they fight to get it back?

2 - Find something they want more than anything, and dangle it in front of them like a cartoon carrot on a stick. How do they get it? Will they get it?

Most times, I start writing to these plot points and the story gets completely away form me, making these points moot to the overall story in the end. Basically this is just a way to get things moving - after that things will start coming to you. Get creative and good luck! :)

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