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Topic : Re: Presenting unrelated or vaguely-related stories in a setting in backwards chronological order by epoch? I'm thinking of a science-fiction or science-fantasy setting wherein modern humanity colonizes -

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Unless you want to do something like A Canticle for Leibowitz where three different ages are tied together in one novel under an overarching idea of nuclear fallout and the church, I think it would make the most sense to pick one story and write it first.

Many fantasy/SF series have in universe continuities that don't match the publication order (e.g. C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, McCaffrey's Pern stories, Bujold's Vorkosigan saga). Even if you do some major retconning between novels (Star Wars Prequels) your time skips are certainly large enough that knowledge being lost or distorted makes sense.

As a reader I find hints at how a current state came to be cool (the satellites orbiting Pern), but if it's Fantasy/SF I'm usually most interested in the story at hand and the world building directly relevant to it.

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