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Topic : Re: What are the standard genre characteristics of contemporary women's fantasy I want to write a fantasy novel with a female protagonist, and I want to familiarize myself with reader expectations. -

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Inanna's Journey is the female corollary to Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces". The main differences in the hero and heroine archetype is the hero is a young everyman, low born or a third son without inheritance who goes out in the world and finds adventure often collecting magical "gifts" along the way.

The heroine on the other hand typically starts high born (a princess) who loses everything or has already lost everything, and must use her wits/grace/charm to rise up from a tyrannical situation. Her "gifts" are often hers by birthright but someone has stolen them and she must win them back.

Princess Leia and Cinderella are typical Inanna heroines. They begin their stories in an abusive place through no fault of their own. The modern twist is Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) who was previously a popular cheerleader in a big city high school but is sent to Sunnydale to endlessly fight monsters.

While a hero must be brave the heroine must persevere. He typically gains wealth and social status, she is restored to her rightful status.

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