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Topic : Re: Is it a Good or Bad thing to use 'I' Regularly in Magazine Articles? Do readers want to read articles where the author refers to themselves and their experiences, or would they prefer the -

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Is the topic one on which you have special experience, or is it a piece you've researched? Is the article a column or editorial, or just a regular piece?

If I'm reading an article written by a woman I'm familiar with, I'd be fine with "I". (eg. if Angelina Jolie decided to explain her decision to adopt, "I" would be good). If the person who wrote the article is recounting a unique adventure, I'd expect "I". (eg. if the article is about a woman's solo crossing of the Sahara, I'd expect first person). If the article is an editorial or column in which writers are expected to express their opinion, I'd expect "I".

Otherwise, I'd want third person. If the article is designed to inform me, I want to hear from the experts, not from the person who has put the experts' opinions together.

I'd also recommend that you check the style used by the magazine to which you're submitting - what has everyone else done?

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