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Topic : Re: Is it a Good or Bad thing to use 'I' Regularly in Magazine Articles? Do readers want to read articles where the author refers to themselves and their experiences, or would they prefer the -

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It's going to heavily depend on the topic you're writing on and the magazine you're writing for.

If the article is one of personal experience - your experience raising an autistic child, your fight against cancer, etc. - then you would use "I" in the article.

If the article is primarily a research or academic type article - new diabetes medication, a literary analysis of Twilight, a weight loss place, etc - then you would write the piece in third person.

This doesn't just apply to magazine writing but also for writing school essays, news articles, and the like. But if you're ever in doubt whether you should write the piece in first person or third, contact the editor of the magazine/newspaper/whatever and ask for clarification. They'd much rather answer your question than have you write it wrong and either waste their time rejecting it or asking for a rewrite.

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