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Topic : Re: What constitutes a 'hook?' I intuit that hooks are things that hook. (I'm quite astute in this way.) They can be good prose, relatable characters, rich settings. Books must start with a 'hook.' -

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The hook is the way the author addresses the reality of the modern audience, which has innumerable demands on its attention, and unlimited alternate sources of entertainment. Once upon a time, it was possible to slow-build your narrative. Now, if you don't grab people immediately, you've lost them.

I would have to disagree with Amadeus that you'll always get three or four pages from a reader. I'll give chapters and chapters to an author I know and respect, but any book that wants to "cold call" me must grab me quickly. I'm sure I've made snap judgements about a book in less than a page, and I'm also sure I'm not alone.

So what makes a good hook? It's something that promises the readers the book will be worth their time. Depending on the reader this might be a striking concept, a memorable voice, stunning prose, an action-packed situation, or a relatable character. It's whatever makes your book compelling, the only difference is that you have to demonstrate it quickly.

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