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Topic : Re: Writing a Super Intelligent AI Something I have been thinking about recently is how to write a character who is an artificial intelligence and not have him feel human. Specifically an AI who -

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You can't write something that actually speaks more intelligent than you, but you have two advantages. The first is you can take an hour to come up with each line, while the AI belts them off one by one. The second one is, you know the answers to all the questions.

I am assuming your AI is friendly. Therefore it would want to put humans at ease. For that reason it would most likely pick characters from human culture, actors, characters, that are known to put humans at ease and then emulate them. Take your time, find lines from other works that convey the emotion the AI wishes to, and then use them. Give it mannerisms of the character. Let is slide between mannerisms of actors you like acting in movies as it's trying be consoling, funny, manipulative, or threatening.

You know all the answers. The AI should appear very smart and intuitive. It should know what is troubling any character it speaks to, the answer to every question, and be able to predict what others will say and do. This is easy for you as the writer, but will seem impressive by the AI. "Hello Greg. Oh you don't need to pour the tea, I already did that, and I made that cake your mom made for your birthday when you were a kid... Oh I am glad you are already feeling better. Don't forget your hero Space Mike was also just working as a delivery boy when he turned twenty seven"

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