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Topic : How to collect thought which is in mind on paper into story I have lot of story in my mind but whenver try to write, my mind become blank and cannot collet all thoughts to write story. -

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I have lot of story in my mind but whenver try to write, my mind become blank and cannot collet all thoughts to write story.

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The only think I can suggest is to sit in front of your computer at a blank page and write. If you can't think of things to write, then just write random words.

Decide on a given number of words to write each day. I would start off at 1,000 if you're not used to writing. This may sound daunting, but it is very doable if you can type at all.

This exercise is designed to get you into the habit of writing. At first, what you write will be random and have little or nothing to do with your story. Maybe it will just be the main character's first name written 1,000 times. It doesn't matter.

The theory behind this is that there is a creative part to your mind that wants to express itself, as well as a critical part that doesn't want you to write at all. By writing randomly you are bypassing the critical part and letting the creative part have free reign. Eventually the creative part learns how to express itself bypassing your internal critic.

Eventually, you will learn to write with both the creator and the critic working together, but that is a long time away.

Happy writing!

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Try dictaphone.

You may be not comfortable with writing yet, but maybe saying your thoughts aloud would be more comfortable for you.

I have to warn you, though. If you turn out to be a prolific "dictator", going through your records will be more difficult than going through written notes.

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